Meal Plans: Good or Bad?

At uni I was taught to design & provide meals plans to my patients… ⁣
A lot of people seem to be completely against meal plans.⁣
However, through research & my own anecdotal experience with clients, I can see that meal plans do have their place, if used CORRECTLY ⚠️⁣
It is important to weigh up the pros & cons of meal plans before utilising this tool.⁣




It is important to mention that meal plans are a TOOL, not a METHOD!⁣ ⁣ They could be used short-term, for a purpose such as a contest prep, education for beginners, photoshoot or other extreme goal.⁣ ⁣ However, most of the time my goal goes over teaching my clients to LIVE & empower you not to need a coach on top of you to achieve your goals.⁣ ⁣ At the end of the day, I always consider where my clients are at & meet them there before progressing them along the journey. ⁣ ⁣ For some that means moving away from a lifetime of takeaways & microwave ready meals…so a meal plan could be a huge positive to help with developing some new habits before gradually progressing with further education

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